Amazing crafts with Giotto Skin tones and free printable coloring pages!
Gioulifrom Paixnidaki shows us how to create amazing crafts with Giotto Skintones with our kids!
“Weareallsameandat the same time so different!”
It is up to us to raise children with empathy, children who love their neighbor, who respect the different. Children learn better by playing and coloringwith many colors!
For this reason, you can see the printable files that Giouli prepared and in practice what she did together with her children Zoe and George, to beautify their day!
The materials neededare:
Τα υλικά που χρειάστηκαν είναι:
- Free printables from Paixnidaki (you will find them at the end of this article)
- Giotto Turbo Maxi fibre pens - Skin Tones (Item. 526900)
- Giotto Stilnovo Skin Tones Coloring pencils (Item. 25740000)
- Giotto Turbo Color – Skin Tonesfibre pens (Item. 527000)
- and a scissor
We hope you enjoyed the crafts! They were all made exclusively by the children, Zoe and George, with great pleasure!
You can see the whole article in theblog: https://paixnidaki.com
We thank Giouli, Zoe and George for these amazing crafts and their message for the difference!
Free Printables
You can download the free printable files to make similar crafts from Paixnidaki either by entering the article here or by the following photos: