Coloring a tropical Tucan bird with acrylic colors Graduate Acrylic of Daler Rowney

Coloring a tropical Tucan bird with acrylic colors Graduate Acrylic of Daler Rowney

To color a Tucan bird with acrylic colors we need:

  • Acrylic colors Graduate Acrylic of Daler Rowney, the shades of 006 Mixing White, 065 Payne’s Grey, 123 Ultramarine Blue, 504 Cadmium Red Deep, 651 Lemon Yellow,
  • Artboard for Acrylic, Acrylic Artboard System, Daler Rowney Α4
  • Graduate Brushes from Daler Rowney no1, no4, no6
  • Absorbent kitchen paper or cloth
  • A container of water
  • A graphite pencil 2Η



We draw on the artboard the basic outlines of Tucan and the branch.

We paint the top of the beak red 504, with yellow 651 and with the orange shade that we make by mixing yellow with red.


  1. For very fine lines we use the thin brush no1.
  2. We paint the bottom of the beak red 504 and a thin black 065 touch for shade.


  1. If our colors do not slip easily on the artboard, dilute them slightly with water.
  2. We paint the area around the eye with orange.
  3. For the rest of the head, the base of the beak and the end of the beak we use the shade 065 Payne’s Gray.
  4. We create a "gloss" on the black ones by adding a little white to the black color to make it greyer.
  5. For the eyes and feet, we use the blue shade 123 Ultramarine together with white. In the darkest places we put plain blue.


  1. We paint the whole body with the black shade 065.
  2. We spread white on the neck and add yellow to the base 651.
  3. Under the beak we add a shadow on the neck mixing white with yellow, little red and black.


  1. Mix a green shade with yellow 651, blue 123 and white quite, diluted with water, and paint the background with it (1st layer).


  1. We prepare light brown by mixing yellow 651, red 504, blue 123 and white.
  2. They prepare dark brown with the same shades but less white and a little more blue.
  3. With the two brown shades we color the branches so that they look dark in some places and light in others.


  1. We mix green as before and color the background again to make it uniform.


We thank Mrs Mation Koubouri and the & for this amazing creation!

Good luck!

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