We are preparing Easter Cards with Giotto Art Lab Funny Collage!

Elpida from Two Boys & Hope is making amazing crafts with Giotto products Giotto! Today, the first creation is… amazing easter cards to give to your loved ones! You can prepare them and give them together with your easter gifts to your godchildren and godmothers! Or you can keep them and decorate your house!

The cards where made with colorful paper from creative set Giotto Art Lab Funny Collage, glue and scissor.

Elpida is showing us how to make cards full of colours!

For the base of the card, we choose craft paper and on top we stick white cardboard in the shapes we want: eggs and bunny.

She cuts pieces of colorful paper and glues them to the white patterns.

She stick small colorful triangles in this egg.

On the other egg, we carve it with a knife and pass through strips of colored paper. This technique is called weaving - it is as we weave.

In another egg, she makes colorful designs with pieces of paper. They look like flowers, don’t they?

She cuts small pieces of cardboard and glues them on. Don't they look like a colored truffle?

She wrote "Happy Easter" on strips of white paper and pasted them on the cards.

You can see the full article here: https://twoboysandhope.gr/paschalines-kartes/

Many thanks to Elpida and the blog Two Boys & Hope!

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