We make Easter eggs with DAS clay!

Elpida from blog Two Boys & Hope prepares incredible Easter crafts with Giotto products! Today our second craft is… amazing Easter eggs with DAS clay, which dries in the air, decorated with acrylic paints and markers Giotto Décor for all surfaces! You can put them as decorations in your home, give them as gift or make garlands! Clay is a perfect material, because you can make wonderful things. It is easy to be used by both adults and children - a little harder and more stable than plasticine.


Let’s see what Elpida needed to make the Easter eggs:


We open the clay on a baking paper and with the cutters we cut in the shape of an egg. The original design was to be painted with different colours and designs.

Until a great idea came to Elpida!!! To make embossed Easter eggs with clay, she passed various designs on!!!

She cut the eggs afterwards on this embossed piece!! Isn’t it perfect?

If you want to hang them - do not forget to makes holes with a straw.

Let them dry well! After they dried, it was time for the decoration. Their design by the way was very nicely maintained.

Elpida tried different ideas:

Like to paint them with fibre pens Decor Materials GIOTTO.

Or to colour the embossed design with acrylic colours GIOTTO Decor Acrylics.

And finally she found the below perfect way!

She painted the whole egg gently with one colour and then removed it with a baby wipe, leaving enough color for the embossed design to be clearly visible.

It became so beautiful that she did it in other colours as well!!!

Aren’t they perfect?

As soon as they dried, she put string! You can hang them to decorate your home or make an Easter garland.

Which eggs did you like most?

You can read the whole article here: https://twoboysandhope.gr/paschalina-ayga-me-pilo/

We thank Elpida and the blog Two Boys & Hope!

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