Easter Egg Bunny Cups with DAS Junior colorful clay!

Easter Egg Bunny Cups with DAS Junior colorful clay!

Elpida from blog Two Boys & Hope creates incredible Easter crafts with the children's clay Das Junior which, in addition to being released in very nice colors, also dries in the air.


So, she decided to make bunny egg cups, since Easter is approaching. She started with one and eventually ended up making three bunny egg cups. But it is so relaxing to make something with your hands!!!

The colorful clay Das junior looks like plasticine, but it is a little harder. You need to work it for a while in your hand and it becomes soft and malleable.

das junior blog

To make each bunny we needed 100 gr. clay – it is packed in a bag.

She singled out a few pieces for the ears, and the tail, and kneaded the rest in her hands until it became a ball. Then, she pressed the ball with a fake egg to make the base of the egg cups.

Thus a basket was formed. She made it a little by hand giving it shape and with a little water she stuck a small ball for the tail and two long ears.

The clay dries in the air! With acrylic paints and a fine brush she made the details on the face and the ears.

And the Easter Egg cups are ready!

We hope you enjoyed our bunny egg cups and try to make your own!

You can see the whole article here: https://twoboysandhope.gr/aygothikes-lagoydakia/

We thank Elpida and Two Boys & Hope!


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