We play with Giotto Bebe playing dough set «My Bunny»

Giouli from blog Painxidaki shows us together with Stelios how to make carrots with playing dough from Giotto Bebe My Bunny!


The playing dough Giotto Bebe My Bunny they come in a big funny and colorful package.

Inside you will find:

  1. everyone's favorite playing dough Giotto Bebe in 6 colors, red, yellow, orange, blue, green and pink
  2. An extruder in the shape of a rabbit
  3. 2 tools that come in front of the extruder to make shapes on dough
  4. a playing knife
  5. and a transparent bag to enclose your creations, your tools, whatever you want!


Work your playing dough well in your hands and then put it inside the extruder. The designs will really impress you.

You can make carrots and whatever else comes to mind.

Playing doughs made from natural ingredients

All playing doughs are made from natural ingredients! They are dermatologically tested, do not stain and leave no marks. But if it stays somewhere for a long time and leaves it, it is very easy to remove it from the clothes: just let it dry and then brush.

Improving skills

Playing with dough helps children develop their craft skills.

Playing doughs also help a lot in strengthening the muscles of the hands. Children can squeeze, soften, cut and shape. This strengthens the arms and muscles, developing fine motor skills.

Play and have a good time every moment!

See the whole article here: https://paixnidaki.com/giotto-bebe-my-bunny/?fbclid=IwAR095U-H_X7nVfprLFqqka21GX2gDoeConRBtVRCQNeBGAarvjVZiRdDfOs

We thank blog Paixnidaki from Giouli!

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